Air Conditioning Service

AC Repair, HVAC Service, Air Conditioning Service, HVAC Installation & AC MaintenanceOak Lawn, IL & Oak Park, IL

Air ConditionerAre you enjoying maximum comfort, dehumidification, and efficiency from your air conditioner?  Without annual, professional maintenance, it’s doubtful.  Like any complicated machine, your cooling system depends on cleaning, tuning, and adjustment to maintain peak performance.  Raised sound levels, constant repairs, increased energy consumption, and shortened lifespan are some of the consequences of neglected service.  There’s also the possibility of property damage and degraded air quality.  These issues are easily avoided.  Let Parliament Builders, Inc. handle the upkeep of your HVAC equipment, and we’ll make certain you benefit from uninterrupted and perfectly cool comfort.

Consistent A/C service is necessary for optimum comfort!

Proactive measures save money.  With seasonal check-ups from Parliament Builders, Inc., our NATE-certified technicians perform a thorough inspection of your cooling system, catching minor issues before they turn into major and costly malfunctions.  Something as easily corrected as a loose electrical connection can result in unsafe operation and reduce the life of major components.  Without lubrication, friction is caused, overworking motors and increasing energy consumption.  Improper refrigerant charge will diminish efficiency and cooling capacity.  Faulty blower components restrict airflow, reducing efficiency by up to fifteen percent.  These issues are small, but if not addressed in a timely fashion, will impact the entire system.  Regular tuning by Parliament Builders, Inc. saves you from the time and cost of sudden repairs, trimming operational costs, and ensuring consistent performance.

Heating Repair in Oak Lawn, IL | AC Repair Oak Park, IL

If your equipment suffers from the accumulation of dirt and grime, it can’t begin to live up to your expectations for efficiency.  During those long summer months, and even while sitting idle during milder weather, a lot of unpleasant things can build up inside a split system.  Dust, pollen, bugs, webs, animal feces, and even dead rodents may be concealed in the inner workings.  These pollutants restrict airflow, drive energy bills needlessly high, and threaten your health.  To properly cool your home, a great deal of air transfer is required.  When the system is burdened with debris, equipment is forced to work harder, utilizing more electricity and promoting wear and tear.  The warm, damp conditions inside the system also facilitates decomposition and growth of mold, mildew, and bacteria.  Once cooling is activated, these allergens become airborne, infecting breathing air.  With annual service from Parliament Builders, Inc., we stop contaminants before they start, providing a cleaner, healthier, and more comfortable home environment.

The professional team at Parliament Builders, Inc. is there for all your air conditioning service needs!

Parliament Builders, Inc. urges our customers to schedule preventative maintenance in the spring.  Our NATE-certified technicians will complete an extensive list of tasks designed to protect your system from a wide range of common problems.  Defective or broken parts can be replaced with no interruption to your comfort.  Meticulous cleaning, tightening, and adjustment will prepare your air conditioner for the long, hot summer ahead.  You’ll benefit from lower energy costs, dependable operation, and a refreshing indoor environment. Trust Parliament Builders, Inc. to protect your comfort.

Heating RepairHeat Pump InstallationFurnace InstallationDuctless HVACAir Conditioner Repair ∴ Oak Lawn, IL ∴ Oak Park, IL